What's New?

The following are some new articles or studies that we have posted on the website:


The Indispensable Spirit - Devotional Thought

What is My Relationship to the Truth? - Devotional Thought

When Believers Fall and Fail? - Devotional Thought

"Mark Five" - Five Comforting Truths From Mark's Gospel - Devotional Thought

"Grow in Grace" (2 Peter 3:18) - Devotional Thought

Are You a CINO? - Devotional Thought

Man Proposes and God Disposes (Nebuchadnezzar and Napoleon) - Devotional Thought

No Earthly Good??? - Devotional Thought

How Hot Are We? (Serving the Lord with Godly Enthusiasm) - Devotional Thought

The Vertical and the Horizontal - Devotional Thought

Basic Principles For Christian Living - Devotional Thought

My Approach To God - Devotional Thought

We Can Carry Nothing Out! - Devotional Thought

Remembering That God Is On Our Side - Devotional Thought

The Spears That Did Not Kill - Devotional Thought

Will Believers Go Through Tribulation? - Devotional Thought

Fear and Faith - They Cannot Coexist - Devotional Thought

God's Wisdom Concerning Tomorrow - Devotional Thought

Why Believers Struggle with Assurance of Salvation - Devotional Thought

Who Do You Identify As? What Pronouns Do You Use? - Devotional Thought

An Overview of Galatians 2:20 - Devotional Thought

We Must Not Hold Our Peace! (2 Kings 6-7) - Devotional Thought

Foundational Truths from Genesis Chapters 1 and 2 - Devotional Thought

Discovering God in the Ordinary - Devotional Thought

Ten "Musts" If I Am To Understand God's Word - Devotional Thought

Can a Christian Be Carnal?

Verse by Verse Study in the Book of Acts by Dr. John Whitcomb - Complete through Chapter 17

Baits and Hooks  - Object lesson to warn about temptations

Book of Romans Salvation Bible Study [booklet format]- An 8-page simple fill-in-the-blanks study of God's plan of salvation using only the book of Romans

Being Thankful FOR WHAT? - Bible examples of what people are to be thankful for

Our Blessed Savior! One Person Having Two Natures - Our Savior Was Fully God and Fully Man

John 17:3 - Does John 17:3 Prove That Jesus Is Not God? --A Jehovah's Witness Argument Answered

My Heart Christ's Home - A classic illustration of what it means to allow Christ to be Lord of every area of your life

Does Matthew 21:43 Support Replacement Theology?

What American Presidents Have Said About the Bible

Biblical Race Theory 

The Death Penalty for Mankind and for Christ Our Substitute -- What Does It Involve?

The Cross-Work of Christ According to the Scriptures  - May we be eternally grateful for what the Lord Jesus did for us!

The Twelve Disciples  - Thirteen Chapters on the Twelve Disciples, also including James and Paul (newly revised) 

Numbers 22 - Why Was God Angry With Balaam?

Majestic Mountains of Sacred Scriptures - Dr. Manfred Kober's fascinating study of the key mountains in Scripture (Ararat, Moriah, Sinai, Nebo, Carmel, Gerizim, Hermon, Seir, Mount of Olives

The Christian Life and How It Is To Be Lived - This booklet has been completely rewritten and should be helpful and practical.

Problems With Post-Tribulationism A brief study by Manfred Kober showing that Christ will return in two phases separated by seven years

Sentence Sermons, Bulletin Fillers, Edifying Quotations, Pithy Proverbs (Hundreds of These) - More will be added week by week.

Object Lessons to Teach Bible Truths - Great for children and adults appreciate them also.

Is It Wrong to Question a Person's Profession of Faith?  --Or, is it dangerous to give a person false assurance of salvation?

Bulletin Inserts - Devotional Thoughts and Short Bible Studies Formatted to be Used as Bulletin Inserts. New ones are added weekly.


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The Middletown Bible Church
349 East Street
Middletown, CT 06457
(860) 346-0907

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