Sunday School Studies

Nine Year Plan

Grade Four through Grade Twelve

Our Sunday School lessons have been written for grade four all the way through high school. [We also have many courses which work well for adult classes as well]

Why were these studies written? In 1975 we were burdened to provide our local assembly with Christ-honoring and Bible-centered Sunday School lessons. We were disappointed in the lack of good Bible content in the published S.S. materials put out by the major publishing houses. So we made an attempt to provide our own materials. It took several decades to complete the task. Since that time many other local Bible-believing churches have made use of our materials. 

The philosophy: Let the Bible say what it says! And let the students see for themselves what the Bible actually says. To accomplish this we seek to ask various questions and have the students open their Bibles and find the answers in the Scripture passages that they look up. The key question we must ever ask is this: “What saith the Scripture?” (Rom. 4:3).

The approach:   Most of these Sunday School lessons are written in a question/answer format where the answers are found in the Bible verses which are given.  These are fine for personal Bible study or perhaps for homeschool assignments.  For a Sunday School class, however, the approach we recommend is as follows: The teacher first masters the lesson at home, and then presents the lesson without having the students look at the Sunday School notes, using the Bible as the only textbook. The teacher is familiar with the notes but uses the Bible in class, along with any other visual aids that might be helpful.  Instead of having the students spend most of the class time filling in blanks, it is better for the teacher to ask them questions based on the Bible verses that they are reading.  Have the students read the Bible verses and ask them questions to bring out the meaning of what they just read.  The students at the end of class could be given the lesson which they can take home and work on during the week. This reinforces what they already learned in class and gives them a homework assignment if this is needful or helpful. This homework assignment could be required, optional or something done for extra credit.  These worksheets could also be used by parents during the week as part of their family worship and Bible study.  But in class, we find it better to have the students focused on the Word of God rather than on the worksheets.  Carefully guided by the teacher, the class discussion is focused on what the Bible teaches and what that teaching means to our daily living (make it practical).  


The arrangement: Most of these studies are made up of 13 chapters or lessons, one for each week in the quarter. After every 13 weeks the students begin a new quarterly set of Sunday School notes.

The schedule: The following is a suggested plan for how these Sunday School studies could be used for Grades 4-12:












Grade 4


Great Events that Changed Our World Thinking About Me

Thinking About My World

The Twelve Disciples

or Assurance of Salvation


Grade 5


Action in the Gospels

Spiritual Life

Action in Acts


Grade 6

Bible Times and Customs


Joseph and Esther

The Church--God's Called-Out Assembly

God's Program of Missions 














Grade 7

The Book of Books (Introduction to the Bible)

Thirteen Bible Characters

Relationships As I Travel Down Life's Roadway

What is a Person?


Grade 8

Salvation, Security and Assurance

Problem! Problem?

Science, the Scriptures and the Saviour

Personal Evangelism


Grade 9

Old Testament Books

Worry, Fear, Doubt, Anger, Pride

Man, Christ, Sin and the Cross

New Testament Books














Grade 10

Personal Relationships

Crises of Our Day or

The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit

Shedding Light on Dispensations

Church History 


Grade 11


New Believers-First Half

New Believers-Second Half

The Life of Christ-First Half

The Life of Christ-Second Half


Grade 12



The Gospel of John

Epistle to the Romans

(Chapters 1-5)

Epistle to the Romans

(Chapters 6-8)


If you teach a class with multiple grades, the above schedule will work well also.  For example, suppose you teach a Junior class made up of grades 4-6.  In the first year use the Sunday School studies listed under Grade 4. In the second year use the Sunday School studies listed under Grade 5.  In the third year use the Sunday School studies listed under Grade 6.  In the fourth year, you are ready to start again with the Grade 4 materials because all the students that were in the class when you used those materials have now graduated to higher grades (unless someone stayed back a year).


Please note:  These studies can be used outside of the Sunday School as well. They are often given to new believers to help ground them in the faith.  Many "old" believers use them as well, as home Bible studies or for use in family worship. They have also been used in Christian schools and by home-schoolers.  We have had scores of prisoners use these materials.  They can be used for evangelism and they can be used for the edification of the saints. They can be used in church and out of church.


If you have any questions about how this material might be used for your local church situation, please call George Zeller at (860) 346-0907 or E-mail Us.



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