Help For The Seeking Heart

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Salvation - Missions & Evangelism - Bible Study - Christian Life - Prophecy - Doctrinal Studies
Christian Home & Family - Dispensationalism - Problems with Reformed Theology
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- Studies on Biblical Separation - Order Literature
Spanish Studies

The Way to God

Am I a True Believer? Do I have a real and right relationship with the living God?  Am I really saved?
Gospel of John Challenge - Have you ever seriously considered the claims of Jesus Christ?
Book of Romans Salvation Bible Study [booklet format]- An 8-page simple fill-in-the-blanks study of God's plan of salvation using only the book of Romans
Personal Bible Study - Discover God's simple plan of salvation for yourself, by using your own Bible

Salvation As Taught in the Bible [PDF Format]
Dear Friend . . .   (God's Simple Plan of Salvation by Charles Woodbridge)   [PDF Format]
DO or DONE? [PDF Format]

The Difference Between Religion and Christianity [PDF Format]
Gospel of John Bible Study [PDF Format] - God's simple plan of salvation as seen in John's Gospel
Good News About God's Salvation from John and Romans-[PDF Format]
The Passion of Christ  - A detailed study of the sufferings of Christ and what they mean to the human heart
The Pearl  -an illustration of the freeness of salvation based on the sacrifice of God's beloved Son (John 3:16)
The Message of the Candy Cane

The Uniqueness of Jesus Christ

Preparing for Eternity
Plain Talk on Death [PDF Format] - A frank and vital discussion of death and the afterlife; it clearly explains God's way of salvation and forcefully defends the resurrection of Christ.  It was originally written for an unsaved loved one who was dying of terminal cancer.
What Does It Mean to be Born Again?  John chapter 3
The Rich Young Ruler - How Did Christ Deal with This Man's Soul?

Bible Studies - Correspondence Courses
How To Enroll in a Correspondence Bible Study Course

Heart Warming Accounts of Faith
Charlie Coulson- The Drummer Boy [PDF Format] by Dr. Max Rossvally- A Christian Hero of the American War. This is about a Jewish surgeon during and after the Civil War and his remarkable journey of faith (subtitle:  From the Synagogue to the Cross). 
The Banker's Daughter by Dr. Max Rossvally [PDF Format] - A heart-warming account of several Jewish people who came to the Saviour at great personal cost, having been disowned by their families.
Pasha Greasy Tichomirow-The Fascinating Story of the Salvation of a Robber Band in Russia [PDF Format]

The Personal Testimony of Charles Spurgeon
The Personal Testimony of Harry Ironside [PDF Format only]
I Love to Tell the Story - The Conversion of a Hindu [PDF Format]
How Noah Webster Turned From Trust in Self to Reliance Upon Christ

Is Man Here by Accident or by Design?
Accident or Design (27 minute video presentation) - A fascinating, professionally done video showing that life on this earth originated by intelligent design, not by accident

Life's Most Basic Questions
Where Did I Come From?
Why Am I Here?
Where Am I Going?

Lessons from History
The Barabbas Theory of the Atonement - By C. I. Scofield
The Titanic [PDF Format]
The Titanic - The Amazing but Little Known Story of John Harper
Why We Celebrate Thanksgiving -- Those Remarkable Pilgrims
The Mayflower and the Titanic -- What a Contrast!

An American Tragedy--2209 Are Killed
Twin Towers Evacuation - An Analogy
Hurricane Katrina--A Biblical Perspective
George Whitefield Preaches in Middletown, Connecticut [PDF Format]  - the fascinating account by farmer Nathan Cole

For our Jewish Friends
Our Love for the Jews
Message to Israel [PDF Format]- God's plan of salvation from the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible)
How Can a Jewish Person Find Peace With God?
Charlie Coulson- The Drummer Boy [PDF Format] - A Christian Hero of the American War. This is about a Jewish surgeon during and after the Civil War and his remarkable journey of faith. 
The Banker's Daughter by Dr. Max Rossvally [PDF Format] - A heart-warming account of the spiritual journey of several Jewish people in 19th Century America.

For Prisoners
Prison Ministry--Perhaps You Can Help

Longer Studies for Seeking Hearts
The Gospel of John - A chapter by chapter study (13 lessons)
Salvation, Security & Assurance - Very practical study for teens
New Believers - Basic doctrinal worksheet for NEW BELIEVERS or for those who wish to learn about salvation, redemption, justification, sanctification, eternal security and many other topics.
Man, Christ, Sin and The Cross - A doctrinal and practical study (13 lessons)

Home Page - Sunday School & Bible Studies - Help for the Seeking Heart
Salvation - Missions & Evangelism - Bible Study - Christian Life - Prophecy - Doctrinal Studies
Christian Home & Family - Dispensationalism - Problems with Reformed Theology
The Local Church
- Studies on Biblical Separation - Order Literature
Spanish Studies