The Local Church
(and Church Truth in General)

Home Page - Sunday School & Bible Studies - Help for the Seeking Heart
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Christian Home & Family - Dispensationalism - Problems with Reformed Theology
The Local Church
- Studies on Biblical Separation - Order Literature
Spanish Studies

New Testament Church Truth
The CHURCH--God's Program for Today - considered from a dispensational standpoint
The Local Church As Revealed in God's Word - a study by the late Pastor Carlton Helgerson, who pastored the Church of the Open Bible in Massachusetts for more than 50 years [PDF Version]  [Cover]
The Church--God's Called Out Assembly - This 22 lesson study deals with local church truth with an emphasis on the book of Acts.  It also explains the forward progress of the gospel to all nations. Other topics include faith, repentance, conversion, communion, baptism, the body of Christ, local church membership, the witness of the church, the ten enemies of the church, the removal of the church, etc.  Good for teens and juniors and even adults.
The Doctrine of the Church--Theology Notes by Alva McClain
The Church, God's Testimony to Men and Angels [available in PDF Format only]
- An important study on New Testament local church truth.  Good for adults.  It is used at the Middletown Bible Church as a required study for prospective members.

The Mystery of Godliness - A Vital Study in Church Truth
The Mystery of Godliness - (1 Timothy 3:16)
Thinking About the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12) - Sunday School Lesson
Enjoying the Family of God -Sunday School Lesson
A Comparison and Contrast Between Israel and the Church
The Church is Not Israel by Dr. John C. Whitcomb

The Greatness of God's Assembly (1 Timothy 3:15)

The Birthday of the Church
When Did The Church Begin? [PDF format]
Did the Church Exist in the Gospel Period (before the Cross)? [PDF Format Only]
Spirit Baptism and 1 Corinthians 12:13
Ultradispensationalism:  Baker's Twelve - An Answer to Charles Baker's 12 Reasons Why the Church Did Not Begin at Pentecost

The Function of the Local Church 

The Local Church - What is the New Testament Pattern [PDF Format]
Qualifications of Elders and Deacons [PDF Version]
The Difference Between Talents and Gifts
Thinking About the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12) - Sunday School Lesson
What is The Purpose of Local Church?   [PDF Version]- (Ephesians 4:11-12)
Seminars and Specialized Conferences [PDF Version]
Wonderful Object Lesson for a Local Church Business Meeting by Lehman Strauss

The Role of Women in the Church
What Does the Bible Say About Women Preaching and Teaching in the Assembly?

Local Church Policy
Questionnaire for All Visiting Speakers [PDF]
Questionnaire for Mission Agencies [PDF]

Pastoral Helps
God is Greater Than Any Problem I Have - 23 pages of comfort and encouragement for those believers facing difficulties or deep trials
Guidance from God's Word [PDF Format] - 67 Tests that can be used by a believer to decide upon a course of action; helpful counseling tool in giving guidance to believers regarding questionable practices.
Index of Problem Passages and Doctrinally Significant Passages

Englishman's Greek - Practical Helps in Understanding the Language of the New Testament (this course is meant to be helpful to students of the Word whether they know Greek or not)
How to do Word Studies - The procedure for doing a Word Study
Beautiful Photos Illustrating Bible Verses
Cancer and the Christian Life [PDF Format]  - A great Pastor's tool to help believers who have cancer

Bulletin Inserts
Doctrinal and Devotional Studies Formatted to be Used as Bulletin Inserts or Handouts

Sentence Sermons, Bulletin Fillers, Edifying Quotations, Pithy Proverbs
Sentence Sermons, Bulletin Fillers, Edifying Quotations, Pithy Proverbs (Hundreds of These)

The Walk and Warfare of the Church
Christian Life and How to Live It
Ten Enemies of the Church

The Worship of the Church
Praising the LORD [PDF format only]
Carelessness and Casualness in Worship
Reverence in the Local Assembly
Church That Still Looks Like Church -- There are certain things about the church we must not surrender in these modern days
The Silence of Reverential Awe and Thoughts on Applause
12 Things to Remember When Giving a Testimony (by Pastor Jim Delany)
Preach [Herald] the Word (2 Timothy 4:2)
A Time To Dance? by Tim Fisher (Is Dancing an Appropriate Form of Worship?)

The Music of the Church
Worshipful, Reverent, God-centered and Biblically Based Music Which Is Appropriate for Those Who Have Been Purchased by Christ's Blood
Is Music Neutral?  - Illustrates that music carries a powerful message even without the words
The Problem of Inappropriate Music in the Church - Some of the Problems of Rock Music Highlighted
The Battle Hymn of the Believer
John MacArthur and Rock Music

Christ-honoring Music
Bible Songs For Children based on Various Bible Characters and Set to Familiar Tunes - excellent for use in home or in the local assembly
A Baby Cried [Audio]- beautiful Christmas octavo (SATB) with a solid message
Oh What Wonder!  Christmas hymn for congregational singing - Permission is granted for Bible believing local churches to use this song for congregational singing

Oh What Wonder!  Christmas Message in Solo Arrangement [Audio]- Permission is granted for Bible believing local churches to use this solo arrangement in their worship service
Doctrinal Chorus by Carlton Helgerson
Recommended website for solid Christ-centered music:

Entertainment in the Church
Entertainment in the Local Church [PDF Format] - Helpful Articles by Tozer and Spurgeon
Spurgeon and Places of Entertainment - By C. H. Spurgeon [PDF Format]

The Purity of the Church
Studies on Biblical Separation
You Cannot Accommodate [PDF Format]  - In a day when churches and believers are accommodating to error and conforming to the fads and fashions of the world, this message by Pastor Jim Delany is very timely

The Mission of the Church
Missions & Evangelism
Materials for those Seeking to Know How to Be Saved
The Witness of the Church - Sunday School lesson
What is a Witness?

The Ordinances of the Church

Baptism and Communion [PDF Format]
The Four Looks of Communion
Does Water Baptism Save?   A Biblical Refutation of Baptismal Regeneration
What is the Proper Biblical Mode of Water Baptism?
1 Corinthians 15:29 - What is the meaning of being baptized for the dead?

The Removal of the Church
The Removal of the Church - Sunday School lesson
A Study on the Rapture of the Church

Church Membership
Membership in the Local Assembly of Believers--Being A Healthy Believer
Membership in the Local Church - Sunday School lesson
The Members of the Early Church were called 1.Believers2.Saints3.Brethren4. Disciples5.Christians - Five Sunday School lessons
To Become a Member of the Church I Must Repent - Sunday School lesson
To Become a Member of the Church I Must Be Converted
- Sunday School lesson
To Become a Member of the Church I Must Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ
- Sunday School lesson
Thinking About the Body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12) - Sunday School Lesson

Teaching of the Church
Statement of Faith (Doctrinal Statement)
Basic Doctrines of the Bible [PDF format] - A study course (25 pages) to help people understand all the points of doctrine covered in the Doctrinal Statement
Basic Doctrines of the Bible-Simplified Edition for Ages 9-14 in PDF Format          Cover Page
Doctrinal Studies

What is The Main Purpose of Local Church? --to Reach Them or to Teach Them?  (Ephesians 4:11-12)
Sunday School Lessons & Other Bible Studies
Sunday School Studies--Nine Year Plan
Bible Study Resources
How To Enroll in a Correspondence Bible Study Course

Evangelistic Video Presentation Which Might Be Helpful to Churches
Accident or Design (27 minute video presentation) - A fascinating, professionally done video showing that life on this earth originated by intelligent design, not by accident

Object Lessons to Illustrate Bible Truths
Object Lessons Index Page

Sunday School Lessons for Adults and Teens and Juniors
Hundreds of Bible Studies and Sunday School Lessons on Various Topics

The Families of the Church
Christian Home & Family

Church History
Lessons from Church History
How We Got our Bible - S.S. Lesson, good for adults and teens
The Making of the Beautiful--The Life Story of Annie Johnson Flint [PDF Format Only]

A Firsthand Account of the Great Awakening in Boston - with special emphasis on the preaching and remarkable testimony of George Whitefield [PDF Format Only]

Church/State Issues
The Church and the State - SS Lesson

The Future and Blessed Hope of the Church
Will The Church Go Through The Tribulation?A study on the rapture of the church [PDF Version]
Prophecy - a listing of various studies on prophecy

The Mega Church (Seeker Friendly, Purpose Driven, etc.)
The Mega Church Compared To and Contrasted With the Bible Believing Church  [PDF Version]
Church For People Who Don't Like Church!

The Dangers of Mysticism, Eastern Meditation and Contemplative Spirituality Entering the Churches
Contemplative Spirituality Contrasted With Biblical Christianity - A Helpful Chart

Wrong and Erroneous Teaching on the Church
Landmark Baptists - An Analysis of the Doctrinal Errors of Landmarkism [PDF Version]
The error that the Church is the "New Israel" or the "Israel of God" (Galatians 6:16)? [PDF Version]
Ultradispensationalism:  Baker's Twelve - An Answer to Charles Baker's 12 Reasons Why the Church Did Not Begin at Pentecost
Ten Enemies of the Church - SS Lesson

Home Page - Sunday School & Bible Studies - Help for the Seeking Heart
Salvation - Missions & Evangelism - Bible Study - Christian Life - Prophecy - Doctrinal Studies
Christian Home & Family - Dispensationalism - Problems with Reformed Theology
The Local Church
- Studies on Biblical Separation - Order Literature
Spanish Studies